Our ears reveal our true state of health

Our ears reveal our true state of health

Earwax, or cerumen, is crucial for ear health, protecting against dirt and bacteria. Its color and texture can signal health issues: Gray: Often from pollution, no worries unless irritation occurs.

Blood: Indicates injury or a perforated eardrum, see a doctor.Dark Brown: May result from stress, relax to reduce it.

Black: Could suggest a fungal infection, seek treatment.White: Might indicate vitamin deficiencies, improve diet.

Strong Smell: Possible middle ear infection, get checked Liquid: Signals infection, see a doctor.
Dry: Linked to dehydration or low-at diets, stay hydrated and eat healthy.

To keep ears healthy, avoid overcleaning, stay hydrated, protect from noise, and consult a doctor for persistent changes or discomfort.

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